Unlike an enema, which only cleans the first two feet of the large intestine with only a relatively small amount of water, a colon hydrotherapy treatment cleans the colon with between fifteen and twenty-five gallons of water. This water cleans the entire colon and reaches difficult areas and areas where fecal matter tends to gather and build up.
Colon Cleaning May Help Acne Sufferers
Colon hydrotherapists often recommend that hydrotherapy treatments be received in conjunction with appropriate herbal remedies.
Effective colon hydrotherapy treatments remove not only fecal material, but also excess mucus, bacteria, and parasites. Therapy treatments help to restore the colon to its original shape, which can get distorted over years of accommodating the build up of waste.
The restoration of the colon to its original shape helps it to move out waste materials more effectively. Hydrotherapy treatments can also help the body to have regular bowel movements without the disturbance of constipation and diarrhea.
Those who practice colon hydrotherapy truly believe that this practice rejuvenates the body as a whole. The removal of toxins and poisons helps the body to alleviate many health problems like fatigue, frequent headaches or stomachaches, weight problems, allergies, and various skin conditions such as psoriasis and acne.
Colon hydrotherapy treatments also help the colon to be able to do its job better in the future, excreting wastes more efficiently and keeping polluting toxins out of the body. A colon that is working more efficiently is one that is helping to maintain overall body and skin health.
We don’t often think about it, but the skin is actually the body’s largest excretory organ. When the colon is clogged with fecal matter, bacteria, and other toxins and waste material, the skin begins to act as an excretory substitute.
Because problematic skin is so often an indication of unhealthy colon in need of cleansing, antibiotics, skin medications, and topical creams may not work well to correct the problem.
Vitamin A is of vital importance to overall skin health, and to maintaining skin that is free of acne and other conditions. Dietary Vitamin A enters the body largely through absorption through the walls of the large intestine, or colon. The colon, in a state of ill health, has a difficult time absorbing adequate amounts of Vitamin A. A healthy colon that has received cleansing hydrotherapy will more effectively absorb Vitamin A, helping the skin to maintain clarity and good health.
Many people who suffer from various skin problems, such as acne, psoriasis, and eczema, find that their skin conditions improve after colon hydrotherapy treatments.
Colon Cleaning May Help Acne Sufferers