batu meteor atau meteorite stone denpasar bali indonesia

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Batu meteor atau meteorite stone,berat batu meteorite 4.6 Kg,panjang 25 cm,lebar 18 cm.potongan sample batu meteorite sdh di cek dilaboratorium ,dari hasil pemeriksaan laboratorium dinyatakan 100% batu meteorite dan sudah disertifikatkan ke GRI-Lab ( Gem Reseach International Lab)

Hubungi pemilik langsung.

Contact person:

Harga batu meteorite Rp 2.500.000.000 (Dua Milyar Lima Ratus Juta Rupiah)



Email: [email protected]

Alamat: jl.pidada XIII barat no.26 Ubung Denpasar Bali Indonesia.

Maaf…..Cuma melayani pembeli langsung.tidak melayani perantara atau yang mengaku punya pembeli,punya teman,saudara,sahabat yang mau beli dan lain sebagainya.

meteorite stone denpasar bali indonesia, weight 4.6 kg, length 25 cm, width 18 cm.the cut of meteorite sample has been checked by laboratory , the results is 100% meteorite stone and has been certified to GRI- Lab (Gem Reseach International Lab)
Contact the owner directly.
Contact person:
Prices meteorite stone USD 250.000 ( Two Hundred and Fifty Thousand US Dollar )

Email: [email protected]

Address: jl.pidada XIII west no.26 Ubung DenpasarBaliIndonesia.
Sorry ... ..only serve direct buyers.


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